PeP Gallery

entry: General Conditions


Curatorship: Rui Afonso Santos

Transgressions establishes a dialogue between matters of time, memory and identity, via the rigorous subjects of Drawing and Graphic Design. Eight printed panels show the manipulated image of some artworks from the sculpture’s collection of the National Museum of Contemporary Art, founded early in 1911, within the renovating political framework of the young Portuguese First Republic.

Provocative or not, slogans in Portuguese and English superimpose the images in this collection using different cursive types. They change the meaning of the merely contemplative and aestheticizing delight of these sculptures, claiming critical and archetypal issues that undermine the cultural foundations of the Western world, forcing them to be questioned and transformed in a world also affected by the uncertainty inherent of the fragile human condition.

The overall soundscape of easy listening alters our perception of these images, as we try to suggest the alienation of the societies we live in. As a counterpart, however, and without demagogy, we would like to leave the visitors with a conscious appeal to freedom.

Rui Afonso Santos


Lúcia Saldanha


António Faria