Photograph and Documentation

Susana Sousa Dias - Natureza Morta
The use of images of the museums, palaces and other buildings run by the Museus e Monumentos de Portugal is subject to a request addressed to the Photographic Documentation Unit. The request can be submitted by email (geral.adf@museusemonumentos.pt) or through the MatrizPix.
The Photographic Documentation Unit safeguards, manages and updates the photographic inventory of cultural assets, whether they be mobile assets, monuments or cultural assets that form part of the monuments, as well as public access to them.
The Unit is also responsible for producing the photographic documentation required to inventory cultural heritage, especially the museums, palaces and buildings run by the Museus e Monumentos de Portugal. It is also charged with preserving, inventorying, managing, repairing and disseminating photographic records of historical specimens and others managed by these services.
It is equally responsible for drawing up the rules and regulations concerning image licensing and the procedures governing the process of collecting, processing, scanning, and preserving photographic documentation.
The Photographic Documentation Unit provides technical services to other public and private bodies whenever its intervention is deemed necessary and also supports research on mobile cultural assets and collections of historical photographs.
Requests to photograph and/or film the space/exhibitions must be addressed in advance to the Communication department. Depending on the intended use of the photographs/film, these may have associated costs.
MNAC Visual Identity Guide is available below for download. Its use is reserved for entities that maintain partnerships with the Museum and strictly in the context of common projects .
The use of images of the museums, palaces and other buildings run by the Museus e Monumentos de Portugal is subject to a request addressed to the Photographic Documentation Unit. The request can be submitted by email (geral.adf@museusemonumentos.pt) or through the MatrizPix.
The Photographic Documentation Unit safeguards, manages and updates the photographic inventory of cultural assets, whether they be mobile assets, monuments or cultural assets that form part of the monuments, as well as public access to them.
The Unit is also responsible for producing the photographic documentation required to inventory cultural heritage, especially the museums, palaces and buildings run by the Museus e Monumentos de Portugal. It is also charged with preserving, inventorying, managing, repairing and disseminating photographic records of historical specimens and others managed by these services.
It is equally responsible for drawing up the rules and regulations concerning image licensing and the procedures governing the process of collecting, processing, scanning, and preserving photographic documentation.
The Photographic Documentation Unit provides technical services to other public and private bodies whenever its intervention is deemed necessary and also supports research on mobile cultural assets and collections of historical photographs.
Requests to photograph and/or film the space/exhibitions must be addressed in advance to the Communication department. Depending on the intended use of the photographs/film, these may have associated costs.
MNAC Visual Identity Guide is available below for download. Its use is reserved for entities that maintain partnerships with the Museum and strictly in the context of common projects .