PeP Gallery

entry: General Conditions


Filigree - Emotional heritage of Portugal

It is written in duets sung in silence using thin threads twisted and beaten, in unique jewelry made by hand using ancestral production methods. Filigree is made today as it was hundreds of years ago: with the same patience, with the same detail, with the same technique. Pliers, rilheiras, rubies and forges have overcome time, guided by the hands of those who truly know.


The artisans live their art in multiple exclamation points, enchanted by the harmonious beauty of the cornucopias, the “crespos”, the “kissing S”, the rodillions and the scales, averse to industrial production. Certification of their jewelry is a symbol of authenticity.


It is on them - so often in the shadows when they deserve the stage, the lights, and a standing ovation - that the spotlight of this exhibition falls. With a legacy of wisdom, tradition, details and designs that have survived the passage of time, Filigree asserts itself through the mastery of those who create it as Portuguese intangible cultural heritage, heading towards “forever”.