"Fleur du Mer" Veloso Salgado

Floor 1 and 2 Rua Serpa Pinto

entry: General Conditions

Veloso Salgado

from Lisbon to Wissant

Curatorship: Maria de Aires Silveira, MNAC e Elikya Kandot, Directora do museu de Boulogne-sur-mer

After a presentation as part of the Portugal-France Cross Season programming, at the Musée de Boulogne-sur-Mer, in France, in 2022, with around 70 works, it opens on February 23, 2023 at 7 pm. Part of the exhibition Veloso Salgado de Lisboa a Wissant, part of the Portugal-France Season programme, which featured around 60 works at the Château Comtal – Musée de Boulogne-sur-Mer, in France, can be seen at the MNAC. This will be, so far, a

relevant exhibition, with works by the painter, putting him, also for the first time among us, in dialogue with his French peers.

For some years now, Veloso Salgado's work has been the object of study at the MNAC, by the museum's curator, Maria de Aires Silveira, particularly after the legacy of the artist's work to the museum. This legacy includes several paintings, documentation, including letters, and a significant number of photographic evidence, the study of which has allowed advances in knowledge of this artist's work and his network of artistic contacts in Portugal and France.

Correspondence, exchanged since 1896, traces a personal and professional itinerary, from Lisbon to France, and was recently complemented with Veloso Salgado's letters to the Demont couple. On the other hand, the also recent discovery of the portraits that Veloso Salgado made of the two French artists, and the author's involvement with Wissant, proved to be decisive for an innovative reflection on the works of this Portuguese painter and his artistic path.

The portrait of the child entitled “Flor do mar”, dated 1894, chosen as the image for this exhibition, highlights her apprenticeship

with French artists, in an experimentation that goes beyond the usual recognition of her academic painting,

introducing an unprecedented modernity in her work. artistic journey and offering a new vision of his production.

Wishing to transport the visitor to a 19th century environment, this exhibition sets the stage for an artistic journey through the

naturalist sense, with hints of modernity, so typical of this painter.